
We have included links to PDF copies of the first chapter of "Damaged Goods?" below and other publications by Adina Nack, Ph.D. Prior to publishing the book "Damaged Goods?", Dr. Nack first published two academic articles on this research and combined they have been reprinted in over a dozen anthologies and cited in more than 25 other research publications. In 2008, she published "From the Patient's Point of View" which presents additional findings from her STD study.

microphoneChapter 1 - "Damaged Goods?"

microphone"From the Patient's Point of View: Practitioner Interaction Styles in the Treatment of Women with Chronic STDs"

microphone"Bad Girls and Fallen Women: Chronic STD Diagnoses as Gateways to Tribal Stigma"

microphone"Damaged Goods: Women Managing the Stigma of STDs"

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